信息 |
The exchange rate for points is 1000 POINTS per 1 yuan. There are discounts available for larger top-ups. |
-> -> 状态 |
Types of tasks | Type description | Types / Point Consumption |
Image Modified | ImageToTextTask : English and numeric characters in images with varying lengths | ImageToTextTaskTest |
-> 状态 |
10 |
Image Modified Image Modified | reCaptcha V2 protocol interface Return the response value without clicking the submit button | NoCaptchaTaskProxyless 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 15 POINTS |
RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless |
title | 18 POINTS 状态 |
->colour | Green |
title | 20 POINTS |
enterprise version of reCaptcha V2 | RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 20 POINTS |
reCaptcha V2 image recognition Returning the coordinates of the image necessitates simulating a click | ReCaptchaV2Classification |
->8 |
Image Modified | reCaptcha V3 protocol interface The process of frictionless verification involves the absence of a grid-based selection box and results in the return of a response value | RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 20 POINTS |
RecaptchaV3TaskProxylessM1 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 25 POINTS |
RecaptchaV3TaskProxylessM1S7 RecaptchaV3TaskProxylessK1 |
30 Mandatory score 0.7RecaptchaV3TaskProxylessT1 状态 |
colour | Purple |
title | Customized type |
Greenenterprise version of reCaptcha V3 protocol interface
RecaptchaV3EnterpriseTask 25 POINTS | no fixed scoreRecaptchaV3EnterpriseTaskProxylessK1 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 20 POINTS |
RecaptchaV3EnterpriseTaskM1 Green25 POINTSRecaptchaV3EnterpriseTaskT1 Green | title | 40 POINTSPurple | title | contact US before use |
*If the above types cannot pass the verification for your website, you can contact customer service to customize an API for you. |
enterprise version of reCaptcha V3 protocol interface |
Image Modified Image Modified | hCaptcha protocol interface It is possible to obtain the response value without the need to click the submit button | HCaptchaTaskProxyless |
title | 15 POINTS |
HCaptchaTaskProxylessM1 status 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 40 POINTS | -> |
hCaptcha image recognition To retrieve the coordinates of the image, it is necessary to simulate a click | HCaptchaClassification |
状态 |
title | 10 POINTS -> |
Image Modified | FunCaptcha protocol interface |
FunCaptchaTaskProxylessM1 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 30 POINTS |
| <Interface malfunction, not recommended for use> |
FunCaptcha image recognition To retrieve the coordinates of the image, it is necessary to simulate a click | FunCaptchaClassification |
状态 |
title | 8 POINTS ->4 |
Image Modified | Cloudflare Turnstile protocol interface It is possible to obtain the response value without the need to click the submit button | TurnstileTaskProxyless |
15 TurnstileTaskProxylessM1 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 30 POINTS |
Image Added | CloudFlare 5s Return cookie values The webpage displays a challenge screen containing Turnstile verification. Upon page load, the challenge auto-completes and redirects to the next page. This is specifically the 5-second challenge mechanism. This refers to the 5-second security challenge, which incorporates Turnstile but is distinct from standalone Turnstile implementation. Note: The 5-second challenge and Turnstile-only verification are separate systems! | CloudFlareTaskS2 状态 |
colour | Green |
title | 25 POINTS |