通过 createTask方法 创建识别任务,然后通过 getTaskResult 方法 获取识别结果
信息 |
此对象用于识别图片类型、不固定长度的英文或数字 |
通过 createTask方法 创建识别任务
请求节点: Create a recognition task through the use of the "createTask" method, and subsequently retrieve the recognition results by employing the "getTaskResult" method.
信息 |
This object is intended for recognizing images containing non-fixed length English or numerical characters. |
Initiating the task
Create a recognition task by utilizing the "createTask" method.
Request node:
状态 | ||||
状态 | ||||
请求地址: Request address: https://api.yescaptcha.com/createTaskgetBalance
请求格式:Request format:POST
Object structure
属性Attributes | 类型Type | 必须Required | 说明Purpose | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | string | 是Yes | ImageToTextTaskTest
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
body | string | 是 | 图片的base64编码内容(不要换行符)(不要dataYes | File body encoded in base64. Make sure to send it without line breaks.(do not data:image/*********;base64,内容content |
Request example:
代码块 | ||
| ||
{ "clientKey":"cc9c18d3e263515c2c072b36a7125eecc078618f", "task": { "type":"ImageToTextTaskTest", "body": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABA......" # base64编码后的图片BASE64_BODY_HERE } } |
Response example
代码块 |
{ "errorId": 0, "errorCode": "", "errorDescription": "", "status": "ready", "solution": { "text": "44795"" }, "taskId": "2376919c-1863-11ec-a012-94e6f7355a0b", } |